Innovation and Technology for the Cultural Heritage of Ceará
Inovação e Tecnologia para o Patrimônio Cultural do Ceará
Digital Fabrication
Building Information Modeling
The safeguarding of cultural heritage is one of the main concerns of contemporary public policies. To protect, preserve, and enhance cultural assets, it is necessary to employ fundamental strategies such as inventory and cataloging, which allow for the identification, understanding, and documentation of existing assets. The documentation of cultural heritage also enables the creation of heritage education initiatives that can be transformed into interactive educational materials, providing the public with a dynamic and immersive experience while promoting the appreciation and conservation of these assets. In this regard, the present project aims to safeguard the cultural heritage of the State of Ceará through the documentation and promotion of buildings and landscape elements. To achieve this, data will be collected through photography, laser scanning for geometric data capture, and historical surveys. The collected data will be compiled into a web platform accessible to the entire population. The platform will include textual material on the history and social context of the asset, a photo gallery, explanatory videos, an interactive virtual tour, and manipulable digital models that allow for detailed exploration of the asset. Additionally, the collected data will support the development of Building Information Models (BIM) for technical documentation of certain buildings, which is important for construction management, project development, and the basis for computational simulations such as energy efficiency and solar energy generation potential. Thus, the process and resulting products of this project position the State of Ceará at the forefront of technological innovation for the management of built and landscape cultural heritage, bridging the gap between the material supports of our history and society through technology. Furthermore, the products of this project will enable greater efficiency in the management of structures, necessary to align protection agencies with the latest federal regulations for public works and engineering services.